
really remembering (a recreated, reprised version)

it's 2:54 am. i couldn't sleep. ok i'm lying... i'm actually doing the laundry. all this talk of not being able to celebrate on the 24th has made me all mushy and sentimental... i sit back, close my eyes, and i remember friends present and past, and how they have contributed to the person that i am today. which is not saying much, considering i don't really add up to anything substantial if you know what i mean (wink, wink).

but i feel the urge to come out with a tribute piece nonetheless. so here it is (drumroll please)... wait, let me set the washer to spin cycle... there we go... ahem-ahem...

tonight, i remember friends, present and past. ok ok i know it's 2:54 in the morning, but it's still dark, and using "tonight" gives it a more dramatic punch, won't you agree? ok wise-ass, i know it's morning but... would you please gimme a break here. i'm cranky and sleepy and cold and not in the mood for... hey! are you trying to quell my poetic license here?! i know it's not a poem but... oh you get what i mean. hush and let me continue.

whew! anyway, as i was saying... ahem-ahem... "tonight" i remember friends present and past...

i remember a friend:

:: who said i'm cute, charming, and overacting all in one sentence.

:: who said that i'm probably the sexiest man in the world because of my personality. but when i asked her, if we take away my personality, what would make me sexy... she didn't answer.

:: who came to our house in the middle of the night, crying, because he ran away from home and had nowhere else to go.

:: who once confessed that on ocassion, he locks himself alone in his room wearing only his underwear and a pair of boots, puts baby oil all over his body, stands in front of the mirror, and pretends he's a professional wrestler.

:: who i wrote loveletters for to give to this girl who he never really had a chance to begin with.

:: who is so reserved and quiet but pounds drumskins with such fierce and violence that can rival the ferocity of any NFL team put together.

:: who said that i was satan's abandoned son. he then recanted his statement a week later and said that i was satan's aborted son made flesh. great.

:: who admitted that everyday in his life he only works for one thing... his father's approval.

:: who admitted that, at 26, he's already an alcoholic and added that jason mraz is god.

:: who once said that i was the perfect mix of brains and humor... but also said that i had worst possible combination of body fat and mass. she just had to say that.

:: who i spoke with for four hours over the phone because she was drunk and needed somebody to talk to.

:: who says "yeah baby" all the time in the worst possible austin powers accent.

:: who acknowleged that i had a great soul.. but i was going to hell the day i die anyway.

:: who said that i won't live to see 40.

:: who i proposed marriage to and said no. only to say later that she was just trying to see if i was sincere in my proposal. yeah, thanks for making me cry all night.

:: who, at 20, i had the honor of educating what a clitoris is. the friend is a she.

:: who said "everything's gonna be fine, man... here have a joint."

:: who said my choice of music was crass and uneducated.

:: who seeked my advice following the pregnancy of his other girlfriend.

:: who said it wouldn't work out.

:: who always said "rak en roll lang pare!" with so much gusto!

:: who said i should resign because i'm too good for my job.

:: who unconditionally laughs at my jokes.

:: who said that we are both geniuses... but are bound to be crazy because it's our curse.

:: who i had the pleasure of having coffee and cigarrettes with when nobody else wanted to.

:: who said i was getting into her nerves.

:: who said i'm like a virus, a very contagious and infectious virus.

:: who said that i was the group's voice of reason.

:: who said that i was high maintenance.

:: who said "ang gaan mong dalhin." and spent the rest of the day explaining that his remarks should NOT be taken in the literal context.

:: who i frequently discussed agnosticism and existentialism with.

:: who i am playing 20 questions with. and who has the weirdest laugh (wehehehe) that somehow transcends space and time.

:: who said that i'll never amount to anything.

:: who said that my fingers were too fat for the guitar.

:: who said that my condition may be considered not just a phase in a normal human being's existence, but a phase in the overall evolutionary process. my existence today, he said, could very well be a glimpse of the future lifestyle of humankind. what a load of baloney!

:: who said "ang cool mo pare... ang cool mo talaga!!!" (ok. i made that one up)

to all of you guys... thank you very much for being with me through thick and.. well.. thick ('cause y'all know i've never been thin). hope you're enjoying the ride so far. i know i am.

i will never forget.

i'm out.

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