
blog game

so eventually, the holiday spirit caught up with me. despite my depression (call it whatever you want.. funk, slump, exhaustion..), i couldn't deny that it's that time of the year again where people get extra generous and warm and shit.

so here's the deal... i'm willing to give out... drumroll please... a free shirt this christmas. yes, a friggin shirt. all you have to do, my dear reader, is to join my stupid blog game. the game is simple.. hey, i'm obligated to make it simple and keep it that way because i can't really compute the intellectual mean of everyone who visits this pathetic blogsite... you just have to answer a stupid question. to answer, just hit the "comments" link at the bottom of this blog, post your answer, and make sure to leave your name (or nickname) and email address. contest deadline is on december 27, 2004.

simple eh? good. then let's begin. today's task is to complete the sentence:
paningit.blogspot.com sucks because...

i'll go first.

:: paningit.blogspot.com sucks because the writer is a self-absorbed, selfish, pompous blabber-mouth who can't spell right, has bad grammar, and refuses to engage its readers in intelligent discussions about life and politics. and he also "alienates" some of his readers with poetry that either bores or makes one think about suicide.

:: paningit.blogspot.com sucks because the writer simply looks so friggin' ugly!

:: paningit.blogspot.com sucks because reading it makes you feel that it's only as good as the worst possible sex any self-resepecting human being could ever have.

there you are, three samples. now, that wasn't so hard was it?

so complete the sentence and follow the instructions.. if i really like your answer ("like" means if it makes me laugh out hard enough for me to shit my pants!) , i'll email you for your contact details, so i can send you your friggin shirt mo'fo'. hey, it's free!

i'm out. have fun!


Anonymous said...

(read in a very assumptionista kolehiyala almost cheaply lasallian yet with a very dignified - read: pretentious - arrenean accent) paningit.blogspot.com sucks because its writer isn't gay? it's like you're supposed to be gay to suck? but then this paningit blog sucks? how is that so? is there any other meaning to the word suck? sucks, er, shucks!

paningit said...

whoa! our first contestant ladies and gentlemen... wait a minute... i'm going to send a shout out to on my next blog entry. hey, you forgot one minor detail.. your name and your email.. dang!