i wonder how many kids born from the year 1950 onwards were actually given the name "adolf."
i know adolf is a bad guy... but c'mon... it's a cool name! i don't see any problem with it. do you? i mean, seriously, not a lot parents named their kid mahatma or jesus or kofi anan, anyway. why? because while these people are as good as an eagle scout or as a saint or as a "god," their names suck!
adolf is the way to go!
i'm out.
i love this. people are starting to be less passive and are being more interactive. now, if i could only think of a new blog game to cater to this wise-ass commentators.
i just hope mr/ms anonymous is smart enough to join and have the balls to leave his/her name and email ad.
to you, i hope "sure... whatever..." doesn't actually mean you're a bonehead.
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