
such and such and shit...


first of all, about the fucking layout. some people loved it, some didn't, some had no fucking opinion at all. thanks a lot.

some dude even went the extra mile and asked me (by email) why i changed the damn template. well.. why the fuck not? it's mine. and i was bored with it. i was even planning to administer a complete plastic surgery on the damn blog last night. thing is, i was too lazy. and besides, my html skills, on a scale of 1 to 10, is a fucking -4. i was one of 'em losers who tried to be this angst-ridden, mysterious, dark, "tired-of-the-world-can't-impress-me-with-that-shit-i-can-hack-into-your-deepest-sexual-fantasies" kind of geek way back when being a geek was fashionable. it was the fucking 90s okay. now, i'm just me. a flabby internet loser.

and such...

i really loved the way you people responded to paningit's stupid questions . yeah, the friggin' polls! it got the interactivity level of this blog a notch higher. because of that, now i know you guys actually hate me. just kidding. or am i?

just keep clickin' away on your answers and shit. and keep commenting on my stupid posts, too. if you feel you want to tell me something and you wouldn't want someone else to read it on the comments board, then email me. it's that simple. remember, your opinion and your feedback matters to me... fuck, that sounded like a lame commercial for a bank.

by the way, this week's poll is all about what shit would you like to see more of in this blog. so what are you doin' there scratchin' your balls for? go answer the friggin' question already. jeez!

and shit...

maybe i'm just a weirdo (oh... i am?), but don't you find it strange that we can't stand the smell of other people's shit, but when we go to the bathroom and unload a steaming pile of our own crap, that same smell doesn't faze us at all? i mean, shit is shit is shit. it's foul-smelling, whether it came from your own ass or from someone else's. it just is.

and such again...

five digits! dang!

last night, the site meter registered 10,000 hits. 10,000 hits! ten thousand fucking hits!!! that is fucking insane!!! i can't even count to 10,000. usually i lose count at around... hm... lemme see... 7842, 7843, 7844, 78... see, i lost count.

this stupid blog started 2005 at 1,000 hits. now it's ten times that number. fuckeroo!!!

i can't even fathom 500 people reading the kind of shit i put out. now i have 10,000??? what the fuck gives? anyway, thank you, all of you for stopping by and reading and commenting and i've run out of interesting things to say about this so i'll just go away now before i embarrass myself.

i'm out.

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