
the future (shet, napukaw! apay ngay?)

i had this well written (ahem) post yesterday. didn't finish it. saved it as draft. then the friggin' thing just vanished! what the (bleep)! it takes a lifetime for anything to "load" but it only takes a blink of an eye for something to disappear. technology. internet. i swear.

and i can't re-write it. that would be stupid. because i hate repeating myself. really, i do. i do hate repeating myself. i hate, i hate, i hate repeating myself. i hate it with passion. and just to stress the point, let me just say it again - i hate repeating myself.

oh wait... have i told you guys i hate repeating myself? yeah, i thought so.


speaking of technology, i remember this thing i read a couple of years back. something written by some futurist. he has this theory on evolution. that someday man (and i'm talking about our physical structure here) would evolve into something like a letter "Q."


regardless if you're male of female, we'd all be composed of three main parts, namely:
:: the round body that'll hold your brain, your face, all your organs and whatnots...etc, etc...
:: a poop chute for excretion
:: and a limb/ finger to push buttons

we won't need feet because we'd all be moving around aboard ultramobile segways. we don't need mouths either because we'd all be communicating telepahically. and we won't be needing hands too because we'd be moving things around with our minds.

which brings me to this theory: since i look somewhat like a letter "Q" now, is it possible that i am just a glitch in the human evolutionary spectrum? that the "me" you're seeing now, this gorgeous being, this thing of symmetry and beauty... is the look of the future.

hoorray for the future!

now if i can just move this pencil telepathically. move, pencil... move... move...arghhh!!! MOOOOVE!!! okay, i just had an aneurysm.


if we communicate telepathically... then i wouldn't have to type anything, like this friggin' blog post, for example. and like that stupid blog post multiply lost yesterday. then i wouldn't have to re-write posts or repeat myself ever again, right? because.. let me just say this one thing... i hate repeating myself. there. just in case i haven't told you guys yet.

ciao "Q" people.

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