
quote for the day

our quote for the day comes from... me! now i know, i know... that's how lean the research operations are at the paningit lab these days - no sensational quotes from any sensational personality out there. and believe me, i wouldn't want to get my hands dirty by discussing u.s. politics.

oh yeah.. the quote... right... met up with pareng geoff last night, and we were contemplating to have either a mug of mocha or a mug of beer... then i said... ahem, ahem (drum roll please...):

"man, fuck the doctors, let's go grab a beer!!!!"

(insert canned applause and cheers here)

yes, that was it. well, if you don't like it, then you can just @#$!@!!$#$@%!@#*&^#!!! yourself!

i'm out.

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