we now return to our regular paningit programming.
what's regular programming? well, in a nutshell, that'd be me ranting about something really insignificant but adding a spin to it in an effort to present it to the reader like it's important and shit. so here we go...
don't you just hate it when some self-proclaimed music critic suddenly jumps in a conversation and bravely proclaims that he hates this band because they've now sold out. what a jackass! those people make me want to take their massive, worthless, pseudo-indie cd collection and proceed to smash it over their heads.
sold out? sold out? what exactly do you mean they've sold out? what exactly are they selling, you moron? records, right? yeah records! ain't that suppose to be a good thing because for one, they're a fucking band! it's their job to sell records, dumbass!
yeah, but remember 10 years ago when they used to play in small clubs for virtually nothing? just for some beer and a few change, remember that? remember when they were all about the music?
uhm, they're a band. they've always been about the music. because they're a band. wait a minute, i don't think my message is getting across to you, lemme rephrase that... THEY'RE A FRIGGIN' BAND YOU DIMWIT! there.
now when U2 decides to stop making records and start playing professional basketball in some washed up minor league for old people, then i may have something to say. but i won't say they've sold out. i'd just say they're idiots.
i used to have a band. and believe me, it's not always "about the music." i and three of my cohorts had a band in college for one thing and i mean one thing only... we wanted the attention of chicks. nothing more. and oh, you can't really call us sellouts, because we've never sold anything. not one. we were in that band for about four years and we've got no album, not even a single original composition, to show for it. not even a photo album i tell you.
i'm out.
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