
hate mail

just recently, a fat guy said to me:

a, i'd probably kill you in your sleep with a butter knife if given the chance.

to which i replied:

in my sleep? with a butter knife? i don't think so.

i bet your enormously fat fingers won't allow you to even hold a stupid butter knife, much less stab anyone with it. you're a loser with thick fingers that makes pigs look like they have opposable thumbs.

i suggest you take your butter knife and cut your dick with it and eat your puny pecker for dinner. i bet your dick would add up to.. say.. 0.03 points, that'll help your weight watching diet a lot.

and oh, you lost four pounds. good for you. congratulations. four pounds of what? hair? air? booger? four pounds, yeah right.. in your fucking dreams frogpussy!

but regardless of what you say to me, fuckface, i'm still your fan. and i love your work. and you make me laugh. and that's that.

stupid fucking hate mail.

i'm out.

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