:: i wonder why i never get tired listening to jason mraz. the motherfuckin' dork can definitely carry a tune. and his wicked, kickass songs are a joy to listen to; they're like poetry set to music. dang! i just said the word joy! dang!
:: will there ever come a time when blogging becomes a recognized profession like a doctor, or engineer, or one of them cheesy professions? then we can give out business cards that read: mr. so and so... RB. what's RB? registered blogger.
dad: what do you want to be you grow up, junior?
dad's junior: dad, i want to become a blogger. but a different kind of blogger...
dad: how different?
dad's junior: a blogger that would write his own original ideas and not just plaigarize other blogs just to be famous.
dad: good for you, son. it's nice to know you have an ambition... and at such an early age of two.
now here's your pentium 31 alienware laptop... knock yourself out!
:: maybe 360 years from now, intellectual masturbation can become an official event in the olympics.
:: when i finally ate something healthy (two carrot sticks for crying out loud!), my stomach started grumbling and complained, "what you ate could possibly be the most horrific tasting food i've ever tasted in my entire life." i wasnt't surprised my stomach can speak. i was surprised that he watches way too much american idol for him to sound like simon cowell. dang! shut the fuck up, stomach!
:: license and registration? for what? for a fucking lawn mower??? i was doing forty. i was right on doing forty! in what alternate universe are you from?! don't answer that.
:: warm food is good for you, right? but what you're telling me is i can't water the plants with warm water. now why the fuck is that?
:: babies are such darn adorable creatures. but there's just one problem with their programming. apparently they have problem with food... real food. everytime you feed 'em, they will put up a fight. what bothers me, though, is they have no problem eating a "choo-choo" train or a boeing 747 airplane. yep, definitely something wrong with their programming.
i'm out.
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