
again, feeling random

i haven't shaved for two days and suddenly i look like a character from planet of the apes. fucking facial hair! i hate facial hair. the only benefit of me having facial hair is i can grow wicked goatees in as short as two weeks. after that, the 'tee becomes high maintenance. and i hate shaving around goatees and shaping them every morning. argh! it's just too much work for someone who just woke up and haven't had enough coffee in his system. it's just too much work for someone who has to hurry up to catch the bus. it's just too much work for someone who has fat fingers. there, i said it.


and what's the fuss about the grand opening of the new star wars movie? so what??? i think it's bullsith... i mean, shit, bullshit! we can pretty much draw the story ourselves after episode one right? anakin skywalker, son of a slave, was given to the jedis for training. the only reason he moved to the darkside was because obi-wan always kept an eye on him, everywhere. in his sleep, in the bathroom, everywhere. and all anakin wanted to do, as a normal kid with an insane count of mediclorean, was to masturbate all day. hey, it ain't easy being a jedi when you're in your teens. you always have to control the "force." no wonder anakin was so pissed at obi-wan. "he's holding me back!" he said.

yoda: fear leads to anger. anger leads to hate. hate leads to suffering.
me: no, yoda, you shriveled, incoherent maggot! sexual frustration leads to suffering. that's why anakin fucked amidala real well everytime they saw each other.


i don't really have a third topic. so i think i'm just gonna go now.

i'm out.

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