
born on thanksgiving (a very late post)

for the past 29 years, i can almost certainly count with only my two hands (that's ten fingers, if you must know) the number of thanksgivings that didn't fall on my birthday. i don't know, i could be wrong. but that's my version and i'm sticking with it.

anyway, thanksgiving. it's not really a filipino event. nothing really ever happens on the 24th of november. except for my legendary parties. legendary, not because of extravagance (jeepers, my birthdays are cheap!) but because of the freaky things that happen in them. of course, those things deserve their own blog post, which i plan to do in a series... but you know how my attention span goes haywire and all. anyway...

so, thanksgiving. a time of thanking. a time of giving. a time of giving thanks. and i'm not big on gratitude. and i'm trying to change that. i need to be more thankful, being born on thanksgiving and shit. y'know.

and so now, i thank family and friends of present and past...

> my folks for not going through the abortion... kidding. but seriously, thank you for not leaving me inside a basket and let me drift off the nile. who knows what the egyptians would've done to the world if they had the chance to harness my talents.

> my little sister.. for believing all her life she's adopted.... again, kidding.

> my friends for being there when i need them. and for being there even if i don't need them. and just for being. for beer. for coffee. for smokes. for the good. and for the bad.

> my kids... for believing me when i said (successful after 84 tries) they were not adopted and that i'm really their father. yes, my kids, life does suck at times. and no, you are not children of some english duke. and no, i can't afford a castle and a pony. and no, rainbows aren't for sale either.

> my wife... for everything. for the purpose. and for the meaning.

i'm not really big on gratitude. but i'd most certainly try. even if it kills me.

ciao for now, yeah?

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